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6 - 7 December 2022

Explorer.Land Project Stage

With the project stage, we aim to facilitate investments and funding towards impactful projects restoring and protecting nature. During the event, project owners will network with investors and share their story, also giving an overview of the capital required to scale and the envisioned social, economic, and environmental returns.

In anticipation of the NOAH Conference in Zurich (6-7 Dec), we will be warming up with a virtual mini stage here. We begin with four of the biggest projects, covering more than 4 million hectares. We will be regularly adding new projects, so stay tuned.

Learn More Project Project Videos Project Stage Presenters - NOAH Zurich 2022 - Project Sneak Peek - NOAH Zurich 2022


Expanding regenerative landscapes in South-Eastern Spain

Since 2014, AlVelAl (Commonland’s landscape partner) have been using the 4 Returns Framework to bring together local farmers, conservationists, government, and entrepreneurs to create a common vision for the Altiplano, a semi-arid steppe in South-Eastern Spain. Currently, AlVelAl has more than 400 members and three regenerative businesses in operation.

Investment need: $52.6m
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Acción Andina

A self-propagating movement to restore 1 million ha of high Andean forests

Acción Andina was co-founded in 2018 by Global Forest Generation and Peru-based conservation organization ECOAN. It is a Latin-American led, native forest landscape restoration initiative aiming to restore and protect one million hectares of high Andean, native forest ecosystems in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.

Investment need: $75.0m
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Great Green Wall

Bringing it to life with local communities in Ethiopia and Senegal

The Great Green Wall is an African-led initiative that began in 2007 aiming to prevent the advance of the Sahara Desert with ambitious goals to reforest 8,000 km across the entire width of Africa. It is an incredible ambition for one of the world’s poorest regions. The limited success of large-scale restoration to date is due, in part, to local community adoption as well as technical challenges of seedling survival in such low rainfall areas. By the end of 2030, our goal is to overcome those challenges and regenerate and reforest 39,000 ha, supporting the lives of over 23,000 families.

Investment need: $10.0m
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Saving 1 billion trees in South Suriname

Livelihood diversification and conservation for increased socio-ecological resilience

Southern Suriname consists of pristine tropical rainforests that also source the rivers flowing to the coast. Trio and Wajana indigenous communities reside in the region, having preserved the forest for millennia. However, pressure from logging and gold mining is growing, endangering both the ecosystems and people’s way of life. Communities are also increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. By implementing sustainable economic activities that diversify communities’ sources of income and means of subsistence, we aim to increase their resilience, as well as the resilience of the forest ecosystems.

Investment need: $2.9m
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About is a map-based portal for restoration and conservation initiatives to document, display, and communicate impact transparently, as well as to engage with stakeholders. Created by OpenForests.

About OpenForests

OpenForests provides transparency, data management, and engagement tools for the restoration and conservation movement. Read the OpenForest manifesto here.

NOAH Zurich Conference 2023

13 - 14 December 2023

Digital, Sustainable, Profitable, Growth

Introducing a unique line up of digital champions and sustainability market leaders

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